The hospital of the future

Other “sister” initiatives

More and more people are working in the same direction as us, using art and culture as a tool to meet social and health- related needs. We at Cultura en Vena want to continue networking and coordinating with them. Some of these “sister” initiatives, projects and organisations are described below.

Música en Vena
WHEN AND WHERE Created in 2012, based in Madrid, nationwide scope
WHAT Bring live music of every genre to healthcare centres

Musicians on call
WHEN AND WHERE Started in New York in 1999
WHAT Bring live and recorded music to patient bedsides in healthcare facilities across the United States

Music in hospitals & care
WHEN AND WHERE Created in 1948 as the Council for Music in Hospitals
WHAT Bring live music to people of all ages in hospitals and care facilities throughout the United Kingdom

Música para Despertar
WHEN AND WHERE Launched in 2013 in Granada, with a national and international presence
WHAT Share the power of music to help people with Alzheimer’s

Músicos por la Salud
WHEN AND WHERE A project of Fundación Social District begun in 2015, nationwide scope
WHAT Give live mini concerts in hospitals

Live Music Now
WHEN AND WHERE Founded in 1977 by Yehudi Menuhin, one of the greatest violinists of all time, who also had a strong social conscience
WHAT Offer live music in care homes, hospitals, schools, hospices and community settings across the United Kingdom

Asociación Música para Vivir
WHEN AND WHERE Created in 2011, based in the Principality of Andorra and Nicaragua
WHAT Improve the lives of children and young people in Central America and the Caribbean through music

Música para el Autismo
WHEN AND WHERE Established in 2013, based in Valencia
WHAT Contribute to the personal development of people with autism through music and other arts